about us

What Drives Us at

Cardino was founded in Berlin, in 2022  with a vision to revolutionize the used electric car market. Our goal is to remove all unnecessary difficulties in buying and selling electric cars. Together we want to make sure that used EVs find new owners at fair prices.
Illustration of a woman using Cardino to buy an EV on her phone.

About Cardino

Our founders Lukasz Pajak and Henrik Sachs share a deep passion for sustainable mobility and energy transition. With a strong business and automobile industry background they founded Cardino - starting with an idea to digitize the remarketing process for electric vehicles.

The Cardino team standing in front of a Tesla.
The Cardino team standing in front of a Tesla.
The Cardino team standing in front of a Tesla.

Starting of with a small team we grew into an international company having employees across 3 European countries and continue expanding faster than ever.

Markets live across the EU
EVs transacted since June 2023
Specialised EV dealers on the platform

EU-Wide Presence

We source and sell used BEVs & PHEVs across all key markets in the EU, ensuring seamless transactions and competitive pricing.

Our Investors

Cardino is backed by top-tier investors who share our vision for transforming the used EV market. Our funding comes from leading VCs and industry experts with deep experience in marketplaces, mobility, and sustainable technology.

With investors who have supported companies like Carla and CarOnSale, we are driving innovation in the EV remarketing space. Their strategic insights and financial backing empower us to scale rapidly while delivering maximum value to our partners and customers.

We are proud to have the support of investors who believe in our mission: making used EV transactions seamless, efficient, and accessible across Europe.

Our Investors

Meet Our Team

We want to show you who stands behind Cardino. Each person in our team is exceptional with an amazing background, experience and talent. Meet the team we are proud of:

Henrik S.
Henrik S.
Managing Director
Lukasz P.
Lukasz P.
Managing Director
Magda M.
Magda M.
VP Growth
Christian B.
Christian B.
VP Operations
Hugo J.
Hugo J.
Head of Business Development
Laura K.
Laura K.
Account Manager

I Am Contacting You As A...

Start Your Journey with Cardino Today!

Contact us to get a quote for your EV Fleet within 48-72 hours.
Use our form or send an email to remarketing@cardino.de

You must sell at least 50 cars!
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Company Name


Phone nr. (optional)

Car ID (optional)


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Name of Carrier Company


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Zurück zur Startseite
Leider ist Ihr Anliegen nicht bearbeitet worden. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal oder kontaktieren Sie uns unter sales@cardino.de

Cardino stopped serving private sellers.

Cardino shifted focus to the B2B sector and the sale of fleet vehicles. Unfortunately this means that we cannot serve private sellers anymore.

We sincerely thank you for your loyalty and support over the past years and look forward to welcoming you to our new business area.