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Electric Cars As Electricity Storage: How does it work?

Explore how electric cars serve as energy storage and their impact on the grid. Discover the dual functionality of EV batteries.

Theresa Ferner | Dec 07, 2023 | 4 min read

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Electric vehicles stand at the forefront when it comes to cleaner transportation, and their batteries are the heart of this revolution. But what about the journey of an EV battery? - From its role in powering zero-emission vehicles to its afterlife, it is a testament to innovation and sustainability. Understanding how these batteries store energy, their life cycle, and their potential beyond the road is crucial as we embrace a future shaped by electric mobility.

1. Understanding Electric Vehicle Batteries

EV batteries are complex systems that store and deliver energy to power an electric motor. The most commonly used type in today's electric vehicles is the lithium-ion battery, prized for its high energy density and efficiency.

What commonly used Batteries are there? Lithium-ion batteries (Li-ion), Nickel-Metal Hydride Batteries (NiMH), and Lead-Acid Batteries.

How Ev Batteries Store Energy

Electric vehicle (EV) batteries function as the power source for the electric motors in the vehicle, providing the necessary electricity to propel the car and operate its electronics. Here's a simplified breakdown of how EV batteries work:

  1. Chemical Energy Storage: EV batteries store energy through chemical reactions within cells that contain a cathode, an anode, and an electrolyte. The most common type of EV battery, the lithium-ion battery, stores energy as lithium ions. These ions move from the anode to the cathode through the electrolyte when the battery is being used to power the vehicle (discharging), and in the opposite direction when the battery is being charged.
  2. Charge and Discharge Cycle: Charging: When an EV battery is plugged into a power source, electricity from the grid causes lithium ions to move from the cathode to the anode, where they are stored for future use. Discharging: During vehicle operation, the battery releases the stored energy by allowing the lithium ions to flow back to the cathode, releasing electrons that travel through the vehicle's electrical system and power the electric motors.
  3. Energy Conversion: The flow of electrons provides the electrical energy that the motor converts into mechanical energy, causing the wheels to turn and the vehicle to move. This energy conversion process is highly efficient, meaning that most of the energy stored in the battery is translated into motion, with only a small portion lost as heat.
  4. Battery Management System (BMS): A BMS is a crucial component of an EV battery pack. It monitors and manages the battery's state of charge (SoC), state of health (SoH), temperature, voltage, and current. The BMS ensures the battery operates within safe parameters, balances the charge across the cells, and protects the battery from conditions that could reduce its lifespan, such as overcharging, deep discharging, and overheating.

2. The Reality Behind the Life Cycle of an EV Battery

The rise of electric vehicles (EVs) brings a critical question to the forefront: what happens to their lithium-ion batteries once they reach the end of their life? Recycling these batteries is not straightforward due to their complex construction, but it’s a necessity for both safety and environmental sustainability.

Recycling is driven by economics, and the profitability of salvaging materials like nickel and cobalt from EV batteries is high. These metals are costly and often sourced from countries with contentious mining practices. Recycling can diminish the need for new mining by reclaiming more than 95% of these materials, contributing to a circular economy.

However, as we advance toward an electric future, with millions of EVs on the roads, the supply of recycled materials won’t immediately keep pace with demand. The requirement for mining will persist, particularly for cobalt, despite the strides in recycling technology.

Appreciating the full value of an EV battery requires recognizing the worth of the materials within it and ensuring their optimal use throughout the battery's life cycle. Maximizing the usage of EV batteries involves several strategies. Let’s dive in.

Electro car charging station on the wall

3. Maximising Energy Storage and EV Battery Use

3.1 Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Systems

The concept of Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) represents a transformative step in how we think about energy consumption and production. V2G technology enables the energy stored in electric vehicles (EVs) to be fed back into the power grid, allowing these vehicles to operate as temporary energy storage devices.

How V2G Works

  • V2G systems employ bidirectional charging, which allows for the flow of electricity not just to charge the EV's battery but also to discharge it back into the grid when needed.
  • This two-way interaction occurs through an intelligent communication system governed by international standards, such as ISO 15118, which facilitates the plug-and-charge capability and secure payment at charging stations.

The Flow of Energy between EVs and the Grid

  • During peak energy consumption periods, electricity can be drawn from EVs into the local grid to smooth out demand spikes. Conversely, at times of low demand but high production, especially from renewable sources, energy can be stored in EV batteries. This synergy helps balance the grid, reducing the risk of blackouts and making energy use more efficient.
  • Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) extends the concept further, encompassing various applications like Vehicle-to-Home (V2H), Vehicle-to-Building (V2B), and Vehicle-to-Load (V2L), expanding the usability of the stored energy in EVs beyond the grid to homes, buildings, and more.

Cost-saving Potential for Owners and Energy Providers

  • For owners, this means potential participation in demand response programs that reward them for contributing to grid stability. Energy providers benefit from a more balanced demand curve, often translating into operational savings.
  • By utilizing stored energy, charging stations can perform peak shaving, minimizing costly peak demand charges. This practice of charging at off-peak rates and discharging during peak times not only reduces costs but also maximizes the use of renewable energy sources.

Environmental and Grid Benefits

  • Beyond cost savings, the environmental impact is notable. With energy storage, EV charging stations can leverage renewable sources more efficiently, leading to reduced reliance on fossil fuels. Additionally, the demand-side flexibility offered by EVs and energy storage systems facilitates a more sustainable and resilient energy infrastructure.

3.2 Emergency Power Supply

The electrification of transportation has brought about a novel solution to a longstanding problem: maintaining power during outages. Electric vehicle (EV) batteries are emerging as a reliable emergency power source, signaling a transformative shift in disaster management and emergency response strategies.

EV Batteries as Lifelines in Power Outages

  • The concept of using EV batteries as an emergency power supply is gaining traction with the advent of bidirectional charging technology. This allows electricity to flow not only into the car's battery but also back out to power homes and businesses during outages. In the face of disasters, an EV with a full charge can act as a mini power plant, potentially keeping the lights on for several days.

EVs: Pivotal in Disaster Management and Response

  • In disaster scenarios, where the restoration of power is critical, EVs can play a vital role. The ability to dispatch energy from an EV’s battery to critical infrastructure or emergency response operations can be a game-changer. It underscores the dual-use nature of EVs as transportation and energy storage assets, offering resilience in emergencies.
  • Moreover, during peak load times, such as heatwaves or cold snaps, EVs can contribute to the grid through vehicle-to-grid (V2G) systems, preventing blackouts and ensuring stability. This is not just a theoretical solution; commercial trials have demonstrated the viability and financial benefits of such systems, with savings and earnings reported by users and institutions alike.

The Future is Bidirectional

Companies like dcbel and Wallbox are pioneering in certifying bidirectional chargers for residential use, indicating a near-future where personal EVs double as backup power supplies. Partnerships with companies like Fermata Energy show the potential for EVs to not only provide emergency power but also to participate actively in energy markets, offering homeowners a return on their investment.

As this technology scales, it will likely become a standard feature of EV ownership. With proper hardware, agreements with electric companies, and smart software, EVs could become a staple in both emergency preparedness and energy management, serving a critical function beyond mobility. The era of EVs as mobile power sources is already upon us, promising a resilient, efficient, and interconnected energy future.

4. Life After the Road: Repurposing EV Batteries

After maximizing the use of an EV battery in a car, its usefulness doesn't stop there. Before thinking about recycling, there's more life left in these batteries. They can still offer value and benefits beyond their initial purpose, without entering the recycling process just yet. This next stage can make the most out of the battery's remaining power.

Second-life Applications for EV Batteries

  1. Renewable Energy Storage: Used EV batteries can store energy from intermittent renewable sources like solar and wind, helping to stabilize the grid.
  2. Backup Power: They can serve as backup power supplies for homes, businesses, or communities, especially in remote or disaster-prone areas.
  3. Portable Power: Repurposed EV batteries can power smaller devices or portable equipment, supporting various tools and vehicles beyond the automotive industry.
  4. Home Energy Solutions: Combined with home solar panel systems, these batteries can store excess energy for use during peak hours or outages, optimizing energy costs.
  5. Mobile Charging Stations: Repurposed EV batteries can be used to create mobile charging stations for electric vehicles, providing additional infrastructure for EVs in areas with insufficient charging options.
  6. Agricultural Sector: They can support agricultural operations by powering electric farm machinery or providing energy for irrigation systems, especially in off-grid locations.
  7. Power for Remote Telecommunications: Old EV batteries can be employed to power remote telecommunications equipment, including cell towers and Wi-Fi hotspots, especially in rural or undeveloped areas.


EV batteries encapsulate more than just a source of power; they represent a cycle of energy that extends well beyond their initial automotive life. From their sophisticated chemical processes to their afterlife applications, these batteries hold the potential to contribute significantly to a sustainable future. As technology evolves and our understanding deepens, we continue to unlock new ways to maximize the value of EV batteries, ensuring that every ounce of stored energy is harnessed to its fullest potential, thus minimizing waste and reinforcing our commitment to environmental stewardship.


How do electric vehicle batteries store energy?

EV batteries store energy through chemical reactions within cells containing a cathode, an anode, and an electrolyte, with lithium ions moving between the anode and cathode during charge and discharge cycles.

What is the significance of a Battery Management System (BMS) in EVs?

A BMS is critical for monitoring and managing the battery's state of charge, health, temperature, voltage, and current, ensuring safe operation and longevity of the battery.

What challenges are associated with recycling EV batteries?

The challenges include the batteries' complex construction, the hazardous nature of disassembly, the varying recoverability of materials, and the economics of salvaging valuable metals like nickel and cobalt.

How does Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology benefit EV owners and the energy grid?

V2G technology allows EVs to return electricity to the grid, offering owners potential earnings through demand response programs and helping energy providers balance demand, reduce blackouts, and integrate renewable sources effectively.

Can EV batteries be repurposed after their automotive life ends?

Yes, used EV batteries can be repurposed for a variety of applications, such as renewable energy storage, backup power, portable power solutions, and more, before recycling becomes necessary.

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