Sell your Electric Vehicle Quickly and Easily with Cardino

Receive instant appraisals and the best price from professional dealers. 80% of sellers receive an offer for their electric car within 3 days.
A woman plugging in her EV to charge.

People who sold their
EV’s through us

A. Schellenberg
The car was sold at a fair price. The entire process worked very well over the phone and online!
Michael H.
Simple registration, description of the car with photos. Auction, offer, accept or reject!I accepted and got the money!

Free of charge

The whole experience is free for you. You don't have to worry about fees or commissions for sales.

Faster than ever

Sell your EV with minimal effort. Cardino handles all communication with the dealers. You list your vehicle, and we take care of the rest.

The Best price

We work with a dealer network in Scandinavia to encourage competition, ensuring you get the best offer.

You're minutes away from selling your Electric Vehicle to Scandinavia

Get an instant Electric Car Valuation

List your electric car or plug-in hybrid in just a few minutes. Provide some basic information about your vehicle, and you're good to go.

3 minutes

Verify your vehicle data

Easily complete the digital inspection using your smartphone camera from the comfort of your home. It's quick, easy, and self-explanatory.

2-3 minutes

List your EV and get paid

Our professional car dealers compete to make the highest bid, handle the logistics, and guarantee pickup within 7 days of signing the contract. Just sign and receive a €500 down payment. Get the rest when your car is picked up!

2022  •  8.400 KM
Listed by
Jenny Gomez
For sale
Markets with high EV demand
Customers who have sold their EVs through us
Dealers from all over Europe ready to buy your car
Close up image of a stamp and administrative documents.
Out with the old
  • Slow process taking weeks or months
  • Buyers haggling with the price until last minute
  • Figure out logistics and paperwork by yourself
Close up image of a handshake with an EV in the background.
In with the new
  • Sell your car within days
  • Get the best price up front, ZERO fees
  • We handle logistics & paperwork

They write about us

Customer reviews

Julia P.

“The team around Cardino does its job very professionally, quickly and reliably, I can really recommend it”

A. Schellenberg

“I am very satisfied with the entire transaction. The car was sold at a fair price. The entire process worked very well over the phone and online!”

Michael H.

“Fast payment in advance and good communication by phone!
Relatively simple registration, description of the car with photos. Auction, offer, accept or reject! I accepted and got the money!”

Daniel Z.

“Straightforward and fast. Everything went very quickly and Cardino offered me the best deal for my car. The money was in my account within 4 days”

Frank T.

“For me, it was the smoothness of the whole process. I had to do virtually nothing, and the money was in my bank. It saved me from an otherwise horrible process. It all went very quickly, too!”

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5 Dinge, die Sie beim Verkauf Ihres Elektroautos beachten sollten

5 Things to Consider When Selling Your EV

1. Determine Your EV's Resale Value

One of the first things to consider when selling your electric vehicle is how much it's worth on the market. This will help you set a reasonable asking price and give you an idea of what to expect in terms of profits.

There are a few ways to determine your EV's resale value. One option is to use online resources like Kelley Blue Book or Edmunds to get an estimate. These sites take into account factors like the make and model of your EV, its age and mileage, and the condition it's in.Another option is to get a professional appraisal from a dealership or third-party company. This can provide a more accurate assessment of your EV's value, but it may come at a cost.

Or, you can use a platform like Cardino that offers a free online valuation tool to get a hassle-free and precise estimate of your EV's worth based on factors like make, model, age, mileage, and condition. We have developed a unique algorithm dynamically connected to market prices so you can have a truthful, up-to-date valuation in just a few clicks!

2. Consider Your Financing

If you took out a loan to finance your electric vehicle, you'll need to think about how you'll pay it off before you can sell the car. If you have equity in the car (meaning you owe less on the loan than the car is worth), you may be able to roll the remaining balance into the sale price.

If you owe more on the loan than the car is worth, you may need to come up with a plan to pay off the difference before you can sell. This could involve paying off the loan with savings or finding a new financing option to cover the balance.

3. Decide Whether to Sell Privately or Through a Dealer

Another important consideration when selling your EV is whether to go through a private sale or use a dealer.

Private sales can be more time-consuming, as you'll need to advertise the car, field inquiries from potential buyers, and negotiate the sale price yourself. However, you may be able to get a higher price for your EV this way, as you won't have to pay a commission to a dealer.

On the other hand, using a dealer to sell your EV can be a quicker and more hassle-free process. Dealers will handle all the details of the sale for you, including advertising, negotiations, and paperwork. The trade-off is that you'll likely get a lower price for your car, as the dealer will need to make a profit on the sale.

However, as we know how time-consuming it is to go through these options, we built the right platform at Cardino. On top of our valuation feature, we connect you with car dealers all over Europe who are interested in buying your EV. Cardino takes care of all the details, so you can sit back and let us handle the hard work. Plus, with no fees on your side, we want to get you maximum value for your car, so you know you’ll get the best offer out of it!

4. Gather All Necessary Documentation

Before you can sell your electric vehicle, you'll need to have certain documents in order. This includes the car's title (proving you own the vehicle), a bill of sale (outlining the terms of the sale), and any service records or maintenance records you have.

If you don't have all of these documents, it's important to track them down before you begin the selling process. This can help avoid any delays or complications during the sale.

For example, if you don't have the title to your EV, you'll need to obtain a duplicate from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or an equivalent agency in your area. You'll also need to make sure the title is in your name and not that of a previous owner.

If you're selling your EV privately, you'll also need to provide a bill of sale to the buyer. This should include the date of sale, the price, and any other terms of the sale (such as any warranties or guarantees).

Finally, it's a good idea to gather any service records or maintenance records you have for your EV. This can help potential buyers feel more confident in the vehicle's condition and give them a better idea of what to expect in terms of ongoing maintenance costs.

5. Choose the Right Platform or Method for Advertising Your EV

When it comes to actually sell your electric vehicle, you'll need to decide how to get the word out. There are a few different options to consider, including online marketplaces like eBay or Craigslist, classified ads in local newspapers, or online classifieds sites.

If you're using a dealer to sell your EV, they may handle the advertising for you. But if you're going the private sale route, you'll need to take care of this yourself.

However, with Cardino, we have built a platform that offers you maximum reach to those interested in electric cars, while drastically simplifying the sales process and transaction. After our free online valuation tool, you just have to enter additional data that increases the value of your electric car (e.g. Tesla Autopilot etc.) and in just a few minutes and we run auctions amongst dealers across Europe. Communication with interested parties, drawing up contracts and logistics - we take care of all of that!

But if you still want to go the private route, you’ll have to advertise your car yourself. Then, when advertising your EV, be sure to include as much information as possible, including make and model, age, mileage, and any notable features or upgrades. You should also include several high-quality photos of the car, both inside and out. This will make it easier for potential buyers to get a good sense of your vehicle and make a decision about whether or not to make an offer.

Keep in mind that online marketplaces and classified sites can be a good way to reach a wider audience, but they may also attract more tire-kickers and low-ball offers. On the other hand, advertising in local newspapers or through word-of-mouth can be a more targeted approach, but you may have a harder time reaching as many potential buyers.

Also, it's always a good idea to be honest about the condition of your EV. Don't try to hide any flaws or issues, as this can lead to problems down the line. Instead, be upfront about any issues the car may have and consider offering a warranty or repair plan to help put potential buyers at ease.

Overall, the key to a successful EV sale is to be well-prepared and do your research. By considering these five factors and taking the time to properly advertise and promote your vehicle, you'll be much more likely to find a buyer and get the price you want! And if you want no struggle, just start by finding our valuation of your vehicle down below. We’ll take care of all the work for you.

Cardino setzt neue Maßstäbe: Stressfreier Verkauf von E-Autos und Plug-in Hybriden

Cardino hebt den Standard für den Verkauf von E-Autos und Plug-in Hybriden. Der Verkaufsprozess wird nicht nur vereinfacht, sondern verkürzt und gibt sowohl Händlern als auch VerkäuferInnen die Chance einen fairen Preis auf dem sich wandelnden Markt zu erlangen. Innerhalb weniger Minuten können Sie Ihr E-Auto oder Plug-in Hybrid bei Cardino listen. Wie das funktioniert zeigen wir Ihnen jetzt.

Schritt für Schritt bei Cardino Ihr E-Auto oder PHEV Verkaufen

Mit einigen Informationen und Fotos sind Sie schon dabei und der Verkaufsprozess kann stressfrei beginnen. Besonders auffällig ist die Benutzerfreundlichkeit der Plattform, denn verständlich ist auch für VerkäuferInnen ohne technische Vorkenntnisse.

Obwohl der Markt sich ständig verändert, stellt Cardino ein faires Angebot für Sie sicher. Bei einer Versteigerung konkurrieren Autohändler um Ihr E-Auto - somit wird Ihnen der beste Preis garantiert. Cardino arbeitet nur mit seriösen und geprüften Händlern zusammen und übernimmt die gesamte Kommunikation und Logistik. Sobald Sie unterschrieben haben, kümmert sich Cardino um die Abholung Ihres Fahrzeug in nur sieben Tagen. Somit sparen Sie sich nicht nur Zeit sondern auch Papierkram und Mühe.

Besonders Großer Wert wird auf Transparenz gelegt. Sie müssen sich um keine versteckten Kosten Sorgen machen. Der volle Betrag des vereinbarten Preis gehört ohne Abzüge Ihnen. So sichern wir uns bei Cardino Ihr Vertrauen.

Rundherum eine gute und bequeme Lösung, wenn man sein Elektroauto oder Plug-in Hybrid verkaufen möchte. Die Maßstäbe haben sich mit Cardino verändert und Sie müssen nicht weniger als diesen Standard akzeptieren.Cardino - die optimale Wahl für eine stressfreie und lukrative Erfahrung.

Hier noch einmal zusammengefasst:

  • E-Auto oder Plug-in Hybrid bei Cardino listen
  • Benutzerfreundlichkeit der Plattform ohne Vorkenntnisse genießen
  • Fairness trotz sich ständig veränderndem Mark erfahren
  • Komplette Kommunikation und Logistik an Cardino abgeben
  • Optimal und stressfrei E-Auto oder PHEV verkaufen


Cardino hat den Verkaufsprozess für E-Autos und Plug-in Hybriden vereinfacht und verkürzt. Mit einer benutzerfreundlichen Plattform und einem unschlagbaren Service setzt sich Cardino durch. VerkäuferInnen können innerhalb weniger Minuten ihr Fahrzeug listen und den stressfreien Prozess genießen, der in nur wenigen Tagen abgeschlossen sein kann. Cardino übernimmt die gesamte Kommunikation und Logistik, bietet volle Transparenz und garantiert den vereinbarten Preis ohne Abzüge. Der Standard hat sich verändert – und mit Cardino müssen Sie nichts weniger als das Beste akzeptieren.


Wie lange dauert es, mein Elektro- oder Plug-in-Hybridfahrzeug bei Cardino zu listen?

Das Listen Ihres Fahrzeugs bei Cardino dauert nur wenige Minuten.

Benötige ich technische Kenntnisse, um die Cardino-Plattform zu nutzen?

Nein, die Cardino-Plattform ist benutzerfreundlich und für alle konzipiert, auch für Personen ohne technische Kenntnisse.

Wie stellt Cardino sicher, dass ich einen fairen Preis für mein Fahrzeug erhalte?

Cardino organisiert Auktionen, bei denen seriöse und geprüfte Autohändler um Ihr Fahrzeug konkurrieren, um Ihnen den besten Preis zu garantieren.

Was passiert, nachdem ich den Vertrag mit Cardino unterzeichnet habe?

Nachdem Sie den Vertrag unterzeichnet haben, übernimmt Cardino die gesamte Kommunikation und Logistik und organisiert die Abholung Ihres Fahrzeugs innerhalb von sieben Tagen.

Gibt es versteckte Kosten, wenn ich mein Fahrzeug über Cardino verkaufe?

Nein, Cardino garantiert volle Transparenz ohne versteckte Kosten. Der volle Betrag des vereinbarten Preises geht ohne Abzüge an Sie.