Seller's Guide

We're here to help

📄 You have provided us with your data - what happens now?

Once you have provided us with all the data, you will receive an email from us confirming this. Afterward, we will review your data and automatically list your EV for auction. Usually, it takes a few days for us to contact you with the highest bid. If we are unable to obtain a highest bid for you after a few days, we will also contact you to discuss a possible adjustment of your minimum price to attract the interest of dealers.

✅ Your vehicle has received the highest bid - what happens now?

Once your vehicle has received the highest bid from a dealer through our auction, we will immediately contact you and send you a purchase contract. You can easily sign this contract using our partner eSignatures directly in your email inbox. Once you have done this, we will contact you with all further steps regarding pickup and payment.

❌ Your vehicle did not receive the highest bid - what happens now?

If we cannot secure the highest bid for you in our auctions, we will contact you to discuss a possible adjustment of your minimum price to attract the interest of dealers. Your vehicle can be auctioned for up to three weeks before it is removed from the platform. We will also notify you about this.

🔏 You have signed the contract - what happens now?

Once you have signed the contract, we will make a deposit of €500 to you. Subsequently, we will contact you through our logistics partner to plan the pickup date. You will receive the full purchase price credited to your specified account 1-2 days before the vehicle pickup. We will never ask you to hand over the vehicle beforehand.

🚗 How does the pickup of your vehicle work?

We will organize the pickup of the car with our external transport partner. You will arrange the timing together with the logistics partner, who will contact you by phone. Additionally, an authorization letter will be sent to you via email, which authorizes our logistics partner to collect your vehicle on our behalf.

We recommend using our free deregistration service, which will be carried out by our partner within 3 working days after the vehicle pickup. In this case, the license plates should remain on the car. You will receive a deregistration confirmation via email. We cannot make license plate reservations for you!

⚠️ All vehicles that are picked up by our logistics partner are insured by them, even if you leave your license plates on the vehicle. The insurance certificate has been sent to you via email.

⚠️ By using our deregistration service, the payment and pickup time is typically shortened to 3-5 days after contract signing, as we can immediately initiate the pickup with our logistics partner. If you choose to handle the deregistration of the vehicle yourself, we will have to wait for your deregistration confirmation, which will delay the payment and pickup.

⚠️ If your vehicle is connected with an app such as the Tesla app, we kindly ask you to transfer your vehicle to Please remember to verify the transfer with the email confirmation. Further details on app transfer can be found here.

Tesla Account Transfer Guide

Polestar Account Transfer Guide

Kia Account Transfer Guide

⚠️ Please ensure that the battery is charged. We ask that the charge level be at least 80% to facilitate a smooth handover of the vehicle.

Our Logistics partner will contact you approximately 1 hour before arrival. Please make sure you are available at the time of pickup.

Please hand over the vehicle to the driver, including:

  • All car keys/key cards
  • Vehicle registration certificate part I
  • Vehicle registration certificate part II
  • Maintenance record (service booklet) - if available
  • CoC papers (Certificate of Conformity)
  • Owner's manual
  • All charging cables supplied with the vehicle at the time of purchase (typically Type 2 charging cable with a blue plug)
  • Any other accessories mentioned in the contract

The logistics partner will verify the presence of all documents and check the general condition and mileage of the vehicle to match the contract. You will sign the consignment note, and your car is officially handed over and sold! Easy!