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December 30, 2023

Customer Perspectives: Understanding the Perceptions and Preferences of European Consumers towards Chinese EVs

Customer Perspectives: Understanding the Perceptions and Preferences of European Consumers towards Chinese EVs

As we navigate the dynamic landscape of the Danish electric vehicle market, understanding consumer perceptions and preferences is important. Notably, the rise of Chinese EVs offers both opportunities and challenges. This newsletter provides insights into the evolving attitudes of Danish consumers towards these vehicles and strategies for Danish dealers to adapt and thrive.

Perceptions and Preferences of Danish Consumers

Our research indicates mixed feelings among Danish consumers about Chinese EVs. They are intrigued by the affordability and technological advancements but remain cautious about quality and reliability, reflecting past experiences with Chinese electronics. Nonetheless, 30% of Danish consumers are open to purchasing Chinese EVs, attracted by competitive pricing and increasing availability.

Key Preferences of Danish EV Consumers:

Quality Assurance:

  • Danish consumers place a high priority on quality and reliability, especially for significant investments like EVs. They seek assurance that their electric vehicle will deliver consistent performance and durability.
  • There's a lingering scepticism rooted in previous encounters with lower-cost Chinese products. Many consumers associate Chinese manufacturing with compromised quality, influencing their initial trust in Chinese EVs.

User-Friendly Features:

  • A key preference among Danish consumers is for EVs that offer intuitive, easy-to-use interfaces. This includes straightforward controls, seamless smartphone integration, and advanced yet user-friendly navigation systems.
  • The advanced technology integrated into Chinese EVs, from battery efficiency to digital features, aligns well with the Danish consumer's appetite for modern and innovative vehicles.

After-Sales Service:

  • Adequate after-sales service is a crucial factor for Danish consumers. They value a comprehensive service network that provides prompt and efficient maintenance and repair services.

Sustainability Focus:

  • Environmental consciousness is deeply rooted in Danish society. Consumers are increasingly seeking vehicles that align with their eco-friendly values and contribute to reducing their carbon footprint.
  • Chinese EVs' lower emissions and innovative battery technologies can be key selling points, aligning with Denmark's environmental goals.

Strategies for Danish EV Dealers

  • Address Quality Concerns: To address quality concerns, dealers should partner with reputable Chinese EV manufacturers that have a track record of prioritizing quality control. This includes showcasing certifications, awards, and global standards compliance. Dealers can also offer detailed demonstrations of vehicle features and technology, reinforcing the message of quality and reliability.
  • Focus on User-Friendly Design: Dealers should place a strong emphasis on the user-friendly features of Chinese EVs. This includes interactive demonstrations of infotainment systems, smart connectivity features, and ease of navigation. By allowing customers to experience these features firsthand, dealers can effectively communicate the convenience and modernity of Chinese EV designs.
  • Establish Service Partnerships: Developing strong partnerships with established service providers is key. This ensures Danish consumers have access to reliable and efficient after-sales services, enhancing trust and loyalty. Dealers should make information about service network locations, response times, and available services readily accessible to customers.
  • Emphasise Sustainability: Promoting the environmental benefits of Chinese EVs is crucial. Dealers should highlight how these vehicles contribute to a sustainable future through lower emissions and energy-efficient technology. Providing data on the environmental impact, such as reduced carbon emissions and energy consumption figures, can further appeal to eco-conscious consumers.
  • Leverage Cardino's Auction Platform: Utilizing Cardino's extensive network can help dealers source unique and competitively priced Chinese EVs, offering a wider range of options to consumers. Dealers can use this platform to stay updated on the latest models and market trends, ensuring they can offer the most appealing and innovative vehicles to their customers.


The Danish electric vehicle market is at a crossroads, with the emergence of Chinese EVs offering both challenges and opportunities. The insights provided in this newsletter underscore the importance of understanding consumer perceptions and adapting dealership strategies to meet these evolving needs. As Danish consumers become more open to the idea of Chinese EVs, focusing on quality, user-friendliness, after-sales service, and sustainability will be key to winning their trust and business. For Danish EV dealers, this is an exciting time to innovate and grow, embracing the potential of Chinese EVs while staying aligned with consumer expectations and market trends.


What are Danish consumers' main concerns about Chinese EVs?

Danish consumers are primarily concerned about the quality and reliability of Chinese EVs, influenced by past experiences with Chinese products.

Are Danish consumers interested in Chinese EVs?

Yes, around 30% of Danish consumers are open to purchasing Chinese EVs, attracted by their competitive pricing and technological advancements.

What features do Danish consumers look for in EVs?

They prioritize quality assurance, user-friendly features, efficient after-sales service, and sustainability in their EV choices.

How can Danish EV dealers effectively market Chinese EVs?

Dealers can address quality concerns, highlight user-friendly designs, establish strong service partnerships, emphasize sustainability, and leverage platforms like Cardino's Auction for diverse offerings.

Is there a growing trend towards eco-conscious vehicle choices in Denmark?

Yes, Danish society has a deep-rooted environmental consciousness, and there is an increasing demand for vehicles that align with eco-friendly values.

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