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Charging Forward: SWM’s Initiative for EVs in Munich

SWM champions the EV movement in Munich with advanced charging stations. Discover their contributions and future plans for a greener city.

Theresa Ferner | Oct 09, 2023 | 6 min read

Table of Contents

Introduction to Stadtwerke München (SWM)

Founded as a linchpin of Munich's energy, Stadtwerke München (SWM) stands as one of Germany's largest energy and infrastructure organizations. Daily, SWM reliably supplies over a million households, commercial entities, and industries with electricity, natural gas, district heating, and potable water. But it's more than just energy supply—SWM also operates one of the most contemporary landscapes of public baths, underpins eco-friendly commuting through subways, buses, and trams, and remains at the forefront of renewable energy initiatives. These diverse ventures signify SWM's unmatched commitment to Munich's energy transition and infrastructure enhancement, rendering it a beacon for other municipalities.

The Rise of Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Their Importance

Munich, like the rest of the world, is witnessing an EV upsurge. These silent vehicles, increasingly evident in Munich's roads, epitomize a transition towards sustainable transportation. But why this shift? Firstly, EVs, owing to their zero emissions, are playing an instrumental role in mitigating the global environmental crisis. Furthermore, they offer substantial economic benefits, encompassing lower operating costs and reduced dependency on fluctuating fuel prices.

Challenges Faced by EV Owners

Despite their undeniable merits, EVs aren't without challenges. Users often grapple with finding accessible charging stations, especially in densely populated cities. Moreover, the duration of charging and the availability of charging points remain concerns. But this is where SWM's strategic interventions are making a difference.

SWM’s Contribution to the EV Charging Infrastructure

A forerunner in electromobility, SWM isn't just recognized for its magnitude or its stature as an integrated supply-service entity. Its ventures in electromobility earmark it as a leader. From orchestrating the Munich model region to aiming at metamorphosing Germany into an electromobility leader, SWM is at the helm.

Publically accessible and powered solely by renewable energy, SWM's network of charging stations presents a CO2-neutral mobility solution. The Munich city area boasts over 570 public SWM charging points, enabling two EVs to charge simultaneously with up to 22 kilowatts per station. All these stations utilize 100% M-Ökostrom, ensuring an eco-friendly charge.

Benefits to Munich and Its Residents

SWM's commendable strides in EV charging infrastructure are reaping dividends for Munich. Carbon emissions in the city are on the decline, and residents are reaping the economic advantages of a burgeoning EV market. But beyond these tangible benefits, there's an intangible prestige. Munich is emerging as an archetype of a modern, green city, setting a standard for urban centers globally.

Panorama of Munich at night. The photo shows the market square and historical buildings.

Future Plans and Projections

With MVG providing nearly 80% of Munich's electric mobility through subways and trams—and the bus fleet gradually electrifying—SWM's resolve is unwavering. The utility plans to amplify its charging infrastructure, underpinned by innovations and potential partnerships.


Stadtwerke München's commitment to EVs is unequivocal. With their steadfast efforts, Munich is not just progressing but leading in the realm of sustainable mobility. As Munich charges forward, it offers an open invitation: for other cities to partake in this green revolution.

Two windmills producing electricity high in the mountains.


How is SWM aiding the EV revolution in Munich?

SWM, as a leader in electromobility, is operating over 570 public charging points in Munich, all powered by 100% M-Ökostrom, providing CO2-neutral and environmentally sustainable mobility solutions.

What unique features do SWM charging stations offer?

Apart from being powered by 100% renewable energy, SWM charging points can be accessed using an SWM charging card or over 200 partner charging cards from the charging network. They can also be activated via smartphones

How many charging stations has SWM established in Munich?

SWM has set up over 570 public charging points in the Munich city area, where two EVs can charge simultaneously at each station.

Why is SWM investing in EV charging infrastructure?

SWM recognizes the significance of e-mobility in ensuring sustainable and eco-friendly transport solutions. They aim to foster Munich's transition to greener mobility and set a benchmark for other cities.

How does SWM plan to expand its EV charging network in the future?

While continuously expanding the charging infrastructure, SWM also supports standardization in electromobility. They actively drive standards, IT solutions, business models, and comprehensive mobility concepts

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