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June 5, 2024

Home vs. Public EV Charging in Germany: Which is More Cost-Effective?

Home vs. Public EV Charging in Germany: Which is More Cost-Effective?

With the rising number of EVs on the road, owners are faced with the decision of whether to charge their vehicles at home or use public charging stations. This decision can significantly impact their overall expenses and convenience. In this article, we will delve into the real-life costs of home and public charging in Germany, comparing the two options to determine which is more cost-effective.

1. Overview of Charging Options

1.1 Home Charging

Charging your EV at home is one of the most convenient and potentially cost-effective options available. There are two primary methods for home charging: using a standard household outlet  and installing a dedicated wallbox.

Standard Household Outlet (Schuko):

  • Description: A Schuko outlet is a standard 230V household electrical outlet.
  • Process: To charge an EV using a Schuko outlet, you simply plug your car into the outlet using a suitable adapter.
  • Charging Speed: Charging with a Schuko outlet is relatively slow, delivering around 2.3 kW of power. This can result in long charging times, sometimes taking up to 24 hours for a full charge, depending on the battery size.


  • Description: A wallbox is a dedicated EV charging station that can be installed in a garage or on an external wall.
  • Process: Wallboxes are professionally installed and connected directly to the household electrical system, typically requiring a 400V three-phase connection.
  • Charging Speed: Wallboxes offer significantly faster charging speeds compared to Schuko outlets, typically delivering between 11 kW and 22 kW. This can reduce charging times to a few hours.

1.2 Public Charging

Public charging stations are widely available across Germany, providing a flexible alternative for EV owners who may not have access to home charging or who need to charge on the go.

Types of Public Charging Stations:

  • Standard Charging Stations: These stations provide alternating current (AC) charging with power levels typically up to 22 kW.
  • Fast Charging Stations: These stations offer direct current (DC) fast charging, delivering power levels from 50 kW up to 350 kW, significantly reducing charging times.
  • Ultra-Fast Charging Stations: The latest in charging technology, these stations can provide even higher power levels, making them ideal for quick top-ups during long journeys.

Availability and Convenience:

  • Location: Public charging stations are commonly found in urban areas, along highways, and at various public facilities such as shopping centers, parking lots, and workplaces.
  • Access: While public charging provides flexibility and accessibility, it can sometimes involve waiting times, especially during peak hours or at popular locations.

2. Cost Comparison Factors

When evaluating whether it is cheaper to charge your EV at home or in public in Germany, several factors come into play. These include the cost of electricity, charging efficiency, and installation and hardware costs. This section will break down each of these factors to provide a comprehensive cost comparison.

2.1 Electricity Prices

Home Charging:

  • Residential Electricity Rates: The average cost of electricity for households in Germany is approximately €0.30 per kWh. This rate can vary slightly based on the provider and the region.
  • Potential Savings with Solar Power: For those with solar panels installed at home, the cost of electricity can be significantly lower, potentially reducing the cost to as low as €0.07 per kWh.

Public Charging:

  • Public Charging Station Rates: The cost of charging at public stations varies widely depending on the provider and location. On average, public charging stations charge between €0.35 and €0.60 per kWh. Fast and ultra-fast charging stations tend to be on the higher end of this range due to the convenience and speed they offer.
  • Subscription Services: Some public charging networks offer subscription services that can reduce the cost per kWh, but these often come with a monthly fee that needs to be factored into the overall cost.

2.3 Charging Efficiency

Home Charging:

  • Energy Losses: Charging efficiency at home is generally higher, especially when using a wallbox. Energy losses are typically lower because the electricity travels a shorter distance and there are fewer conversion steps. However, using a Schuko outlet can result in higher energy losses due to the prolonged charging times.
  • Average Efficiency: Charging with a wallbox can achieve efficiency rates of up to 95%, while Schuko outlets may see efficiency drop to around 80-85%.

Public Charging:

  • Energy Losses: Public charging stations, particularly fast chargers, can have slightly higher energy losses due to the rapid charging process and longer distances electricity travels through the grid. Efficiency rates for public charging stations can range from 85% to 90%.
  • Convenience vs. Efficiency: While public chargers offer the convenience of faster charging, the slightly lower efficiency and higher per kWh costs can add up, especially for frequent users.

2.4 Installation and Hardware Costs

Home Charging:

  • Wallbox Installation Costs: Installing a wallbox at home involves an initial investment. The cost of a wallbox ranges from €500 to €2,000, depending on the model and features. Installation costs by a professional electrician can add another €500 to €1,500, depending on the complexity of the setup and any necessary upgrades to the home's electrical system.

Public Charging:

  • No Setup Costs: Public charging stations require no initial setup or installation costs for the user. The infrastructure is provided by the charging network operators.
  • Pay-Per-Use Costs: The ongoing cost of using public charging stations is purely based on consumption, typically charged per kWh. Some networks may also have session fees or minimum charges, which can increase the overall cost.


In summary, determining whether it is cheaper to charge your EV at home or at public charging stations in Germany depends on several factors, including electricity prices, charging efficiency, and installation costs. Home charging, particularly with a wallbox, offers lower per kWh costs and higher efficiency, making it an economical choice for most EV owners. However, the initial setup cost for a wallbox and potential electrical upgrades must be considered. Public charging provides convenience and flexibility, especially for those without access to home charging, but it generally comes with higher per kWh costs and potential waiting times.

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What are the main differences between charging an EV at home and at public stations?

Home charging offers convenience and potentially lower costs, especially with a wallbox. Public charging provides flexibility and faster charging speeds but usually comes with higher per kWh costs and potential waiting times.

How much does it cost to install a wallbox at home in Germany?

The cost of a wallbox ranges from €500 to €2,000, with installation costs by a professional electrician adding another €500 to €1,500, depending on the complexity of the setup and any necessary upgrades.

Are there any subsidies or incentives for installing a wallbox at home in Germany?

While the KfW bank subsidy program for wallbox installations has ended, local subsidies and incentives may still be available. It is advisable to check with local authorities and energy providers for current offers.

Is it safe to charge an EV using a standard household outlet (Schuko)?

Charging with a Schuko outlet is possible but not recommended for regular use due to safety risks and prolonged charging times. A dedicated wallbox is safer and more efficient.

How do electricity costs for home charging compare to public charging stations in Germany?

Home charging typically costs around €0.30 per kWh, with potential savings if solar power is used. Public charging stations charge between €0.35 and €0.60 per kWh, with fast chargers on the higher end of this range.

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