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September 27, 2023

All Our Secrets to Sell Teslas in Germany: Exclusive Tips From Professional Sellers

All Our Secrets to Sell Teslas in Germany: Exclusive Tips From Professional Sellers

First things first: Why should you sell your Tesla?

Tesla, with its technologically advanced electric vehicles (EVs), has transformed the automotive world. Their vehicles are not just cars but rather a synthesis of advanced technology, sustainable propulsion, and a futuristic vision. Yet, despite their unquestionable appeal, there are several reasons an owner might consider selling their Tesla. Let’s delve into some of the key considerations.

  • Upgrading to the Latest Model: Tesla frequently introduces new versions of its vehicles with enhanced features, longer ranges, improved performance, and even more advanced driver-assistance capabilities. Selling a slightly older model might enable Tesla enthusiasts to upgrade to the latest offering with the most up-to-date technology.
  • Financial Considerations: While Teslas are becoming more accessible, they still demand a premium. Changing financial circumstances might necessitate selling the car. Additionally, due to the high demand for used Teslas, their resale values remain relatively strong, making them a good asset to liquidate if needed.
  • Changes in Lifestyle or Family Situation: Maybe the two-seater Roadster was perfect once, but now, there's a need for the more spacious Model X. Life changes, and with it, our vehicle needs can too. Whether it's a growing family, relocation to an area less friendly to EVs, or simply a change in commute distance, lifestyle alterations can be a reason to sell.
  • Transitioning to Tesla's Subscription Service: With Tesla introducing the possibility of a subscription-based model for its Full Self-Driving package and potentially more services in the future, some owners might consider selling their purchased vehicle to transition into a subscription-based relationship with Tesla.
  • Environmental Concerns: The battery's lifecycle is a topic of debate among environmental enthusiasts. Though Tesla batteries are designed to last a long time, and the company has made strides in recycling, some owners might sell to switch to newer models with even more eco-friendly features or other sustainable transportation methods.

Choosing to sell a Tesla is as personal a decision as choosing to buy one in the first place. Whether driven by financial, environmental, technological, or personal reasons, it's essential to understand your motivations and act in alignment with your best interests. And remember, selling a Tesla doesn't mean stepping away from the brand forever—it might just be a temporary pause in an ongoing electric journey.

Timing is always key: When is the best time to sell a Tesla?

Tesla's vehicles, thanks to their technological advancements and increasing popularity, often benefit from strong resale values. However, knowing the ideal time to sell your Tesla can make a significant difference in the resale amount and ease of the sale.Firstly, just before or soon after Tesla announces a new model or a significant upgrade, there can be a dip in resale values for older models. If you anticipate such a launch, selling your car before the announcement might yield a better return. But there is more to consider.

  • Teslas come with a standard vehicle and battery warranty. Selling while some of that warranty remains can be a selling point for potential buyers. It assures them that they're covered for a while, which can justify a higher price. If your warranty is no longer in effect, you may consider the battery’s degradation instead.One of the concerns with electric vehicles is battery degradation over time. While Tesla batteries are designed to last and degrade slowly, they do have a life cycle. Selling your Tesla before it reaches significant battery degradation (typically before 80% capacity) can be a wise choice.
  • The considerations don’t stop here - The larger EV ecosystem, including the emergence of competitors and infrastructure developments, plays a role. If a large number of competitive models are about to hit the market, it might drive down demand for used Teslas temporarily.
  • Lastly, sometimes, the best time to sell is determined by personal financial needs. If you find yourself in a situation where liquidity is essential, then that might be the best time for you, regardless of external market conditions.

Deciding when to sell your Tesla involves a combination of monitoring market trends, understanding the lifecycle of your vehicle, and considering personal circumstances. By keeping an eye on these factors and perhaps consulting with automotive resale experts, you can ensure you're making an informed decision that maximizes the return on your investment.This is where Cardino comes into the game. Cardino is a marketplace connecting electric vehicle (EV) sellers with car dealers. This is where you get more information.

Beyond the Gigafactories: Tesla’s Market Impact and What Lies Ahead

Currently, Tesla vehicles maintain a relatively high resale value compared to many traditional combustion engine cars. This strong retention can be attributed to the growing acceptance and demand for EVs. Yet, for a comprehensive look at the evolving EV market prices, consult our detailed guide on the subject.

Stock Performance: Tesla stock (TSLA) had seen significant growth, especially after joining the S&P 500 in late 2020. By 2021, Tesla's market capitalization had made it the most valuable carmaker globally, surpassing many traditional automakers combined. Tesla upholds his standard even today in 2023.

Vehicle Production and Deliveries: Tesla was ramping up production in its factories, including the Fremont factory in California and the Shanghai factory in China. The company was making progress on its new Gigafactories in Berlin (Germany) and Austin (Texas), with expectations for them to contribute significantly to global production capacity.

What the Future holds:

  • Tesla's vehicle lineup included the Model S, Model 3, Model X, and Model Y.
  • The newer Model Y saw substantial demand and was becoming a significant contributor to Tesla's total deliveries.
  • Tesla had announced the Cybertruck, Roadster (new version), and the Semi.

Financial Health: Tesla had reported several consecutive quarters of profitability, a significant milestone given the challenges many new automakers face. The company's revenue growth was driven not just by vehicle sales but also by its energy storage solutions, solar products, and regulatory credits.

Global Reach: China had become a significant market for Tesla, both in terms of sales and production. The Shanghai Gigafactory had met its production goals and was contributing a sizable chunk of the company's total vehicle output. Tesla was also focusing on the European market, with the Berlin Gigafactory poised to serve the European demand.

Charging Up for Sale: How to Prep Your Tesla for the Best Deal

Selling a Tesla is not just about passing on an electric car; it's about transferring a piece of cutting-edge technology and sustainable future. As the pioneer of the EV revolution, Tesla has set itself apart in the automotive world. Whether you're upgrading to the latest model or changing your vehicle preferences, ensuring a smooth and beneficial sale process requires attention to detail, understanding of the vehicle's unique features, and awareness of the burgeoning EV marketplace. Dive in to learn how to navigate the nuances of selling a Tesla in today's electrifying market.

Clean and Detail:

  • Interior: Vacuum the interior thoroughly, wipe down all surfaces, and clean the seats. If necessary, consider getting the interiors professionally cleaned.
  • Exterior: Wash the car, polish the paint, and wax it for a shiny finish. Clean the wheels and ensure the windows are streak-free.

Mechanical Inspection:

  • Schedule a service or inspection appointment with Tesla or a certified mechanic familiar with electric vehicles.
  • Address any issues that might affect the car's value or performance.

Battery Health Report:

  • Potential buyers might be interested in the health of the vehicle's battery. Check the battery's current capacity compared to when it was new.
  • Tesla’s onboard computer can provide insights on battery health. A consistent charging pattern and avoiding both deep discharges and prolonged full charges can lead to better battery longevity.

Gather All Documentation:

  • Service Records: Organize all service and maintenance records, highlighting regular maintenance and any repairs.
  • Original Purchase Documents: Have the original purchase papers and any loan release documents on hand.
  • Warranty Information: If any portion of Tesla's warranty remains, this can be a selling point.

Set the Software to Factory Settings:

  • Before selling, ensure that all personal data is removed from the vehicle.
  • Resetting the car's computer will remove addresses, saved locations, WiFi passwords, and other personalized settings.

Accessories and Extras:

  • Gather all accessories like charging cables, adapters, and anything extra you bought with the car.
  • If you have extras like winter tires or Tesla-specific accessories, consider if you want to sell them with the vehicle or separately.

Fix Minor Cosmetic Issues:

  • Small dings, paint chips, or minor scratches? It might be worth repairing these, as they can disproportionately reduce the car's perceived value.

Research Your Pricing:

  • Research the current market value of your Tesla model, considering factors like age, mileage, condition, and any additional features.
  • Websites, dealerships, or specialized EV forums can provide insights into the current resale market.

Prepare for Potential Buyer Questions:

  • Prospective buyers might have questions about charging, range, software updates, or the Tesla Supercharger network. Familiarize yourself with common questions so you can answer confidently.

Decouple Your Tesla Account:

  • Once the sale is confirmed, remember to remove the vehicle from your Tesla account. The buyer will need to add the car to their own Tesla account.

Educate the Buyer:

  • Especially if the buyer is new to Tesla or electric vehicles, offer a brief tutorial. Show them basic functions, how to charge, and perhaps suggest they join Tesla forums or groups for support.

The preparation tactics are not for everyone. This is why Cardino offers an asset-light, end-to-end digital solution for selling a used EV, eliminating the need for costly inspection centres and long idle time. Get a quick and easy estimate on how valuable your EV is.

selling ev car

Tesla Trade Tactics: Exploring Your Selling Options

Have you heard of Classifieds?

For those who didn’t know: "Classifieds" refers to a form of advertising, particularly in newspapers and on the internet, for products, services, jobs, real estate, and more. They are typically brief and categorized by the item or service being offered, allowing potential buyers or users to browse by category.

Here are some things classifieds have to offer:

  • Diverse Listings: From cars to furniture to jobs, classifieds cover a wide range of categories. This means that almost anyone can find something of interest or place an ad for something they want to offer.
  • Accessibility: Classifieds in newspapers are accessible to a wide audience, including those who may not be tech-savvy. Online classifieds have made accessing and placing ads even easier and more convenient.
  • Local Focus: Many classifieds platforms, especially local newspapers and websites, target a specific region or community, making it easier for users to buy and sell in their local areas.
  • Flexibility: Classified ads can be updated, modified, or removed easily, especially on online platforms.
  • Cost-Effective: Placing an ad in the classifieds is often more affordable than other forms of advertising. Some online platforms even allow for free postings.
  • Quick Turnaround: Due to their brief nature and categorization, classifieds can result in quick responses. Someone searching for a specific item can easily find it and contact the seller directly.
  • Anonymity: Online classifieds often provide options for anonymous communication. This can be especially valuable for certain types of listings or for those who prioritize privacy.
  • Networking Opportunities: For job seekers or service providers, classifieds can be a way to network and get to know the local market or industry.
  • Specialized Platforms: While general classifieds platforms exist, there are also highly specialized ones for specific industries or interests, such as for cars, real estate, or specific types of collectibles.
  • Community Engagement: Especially in local newspapers or community websites, classifieds can act as a community bulletin board, informing locals about events, lost and found items, or other community-centric announcements.

However, with the advantages come certain challenges:

  • Scams: Especially on online platforms, scams can be prevalent. It's essential to be cautious and informed when navigating classifieds.
  • Lack of Verification: Classifieds don't usually verify the authenticity of an ad or the credibility of an advertiser, putting the onus on the buyer or user to do their due diligence.
  • Short-lived Ads: Due to the transient nature of classifieds, ads might not be up for long, making it crucial to act quickly if you're interested in a listing.

Your awareness counts! Classifieds are a versatile and accessible means for individuals and businesses to advertise and find products, services, and opportunities. However, as with any platform, it's crucial to approach them with a discerning and informed mindset.

Going to a Dealership is always an option:

An effortless route, but often at the cost of a slightly lower price.

Selling a Tesla to a dealership involves researching its current market value, preparing the car by cleaning and making minor repairs, gathering necessary documents like the title and service records, and obtaining multiple offers from different dealers for the best deal. Always be prepared to negotiate, understanding that dealerships aim to buy at a wholesale price for resale profit.

Selling to Nordics: Did you know that Tesla actively sells in Nordic countries?

The Nordic nations, comprising Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland, are swiftly embracing the electric vehicle (EV) transformation led by Tesla. Norway shines as the EV front-runner, boasting strong Tesla sales and infrastructure. Sweden, fuelled by government rebates and tax cuts, witnesses Tesla's expanding footprint. Denmark's fluctuating EV sales, shaped by tax policies, haven't deterred Tesla's firm presence. While Finland was slow off the mark, Tesla's persistent expansion is changing the narrative. Iceland, leveraging its abundant renewable energy, is seeing a surge in EV adoption. Key incentives across these nations include tax breaks, rebates, and toll exemptions. Tesla's Model 3, in particular, is gaining significant traction.

Sell with Cardino: Berlin's startup, Cardino, is making waves in the European EV resale sector. Launched in 2022, our digital platform seamlessly connects EV sellers in Germany with dealerships in Denmark and Finland. Thanks to that, you will have the best of both worlds, often concluding an offer within five days - at the best price you can find. You can start trying us out by receiving a free, instant valuation for your EV!

THG Bonus and Selling

For those who didn’t know: The abbreviation THG stands for "Greenhouse Gas Reduction". It is a climate protection instrument of the German federal government to gradually reduce CO2 emissions in the transport sector. Through their CO2 savings, providers of fossil fuels can achieve a balance and at the same time create an incentive for climate-friendly mobility. All purely electric vehicles can apply for the premium. The vehicle must be registered in Germany, and the THG premium should not have been previously applied for that year. Company vehicles are also eligible if registered under the applicant's name. For 2023, EV owners can receive up to €380 as a THG premium. The actual amount can fluctuate, with up to €422 per EV possible in 2023.

If you currently live in Germany and want to find out more about your eligibility check out this website.

How to De-register Your Car

De-registering a car is a formal process that removes a vehicle from the official registry of actively used vehicles in a jurisdiction. The process ensures that the owner isn't billed for taxes, insurance, or other responsibilities related to an active vehicle. This is how you get it done:

  1. Visit your local DMV/vehicle registration office.
  2. Submit any required forms or documentation.
  3. Return the license plates, if required.
  4. Obtain a de-registration certificate or proof.
  5. Notify your insurance company of the de-registration to avoid unnecessary charges.

Say Goodbye to your Tesla: Transferring Your Tesla Account

Ownership transition isn't just about handing over keys. Your Tesla account contains essential data and preferences. Transferring ownership of a Tesla, including access to the Tesla app and other digital features, is a key step in the resale process.

For the Seller (Current Owner):

  1. Prepare the Car: Remove any personal data from your Tesla. This might include navigational data, phone contacts synced to the vehicle, etc.
  2. Notify Tesla: Contact Tesla Customer Support or visit your Tesla account online to indicate that you're selling your vehicle.

For the Buyer (New Owner):

  1. Create a Tesla Account: If the buyer doesn't already have one, they should create a Tesla account.
  2. Contact Tesla: Once the account is created, the buyer should contact Tesla Customer Support to let them know they've purchased a used Tesla.
  3. Provide Necessary Documentation: Tesla will require proof of ownership. This typically includes a copy of the driver's license and registration or purchase agreement. They'll provide instructions on how to securely submit these documents.

Once Tesla verifies the provided information, they will transfer ownership in their system, giving the new owner access to the vehicle through the Tesla app and other digital features. It's always a good idea to check Tesla's official website or contact Tesla Customer Support directly for the most up-to-date instructions and any region-specific requirements.

Post-sale Responsibilities

After the sale, certain obligations might remain, depending on your region and the sale's nature. While selling your Tesla might seem challenging at first, with the right resources and guidance, it can be a smooth and rewarding process.

Here are the general post-sale responsibilities:

Remove Personal Data: Before handing over the vehicle, ensure you've removed all personal data from the car. This includes:

  • Navigation history
  • Phone contacts synced to the car
  • Personalized settings

Notify Insurance: Contact your car insurance provider to inform them of the sale and remove the vehicle from your policy.

Cancel any Automatic Payments: If you have any automatic payments set up related to the car (e.g., loan payments, Tesla's premium connectivity subscription), ensure they are canceled.

Transfer or Return License Plates: Depending on your local regulations, you may need to transfer the license plates to a new vehicle, return them to the DMV, or hand them over to the new owner.

Notify Tesla:

  • Contact Tesla Customer Support or use your Tesla account to indicate you've sold the vehicle.
  • Remove the Tesla from your Tesla account, ensuring the new owner can add it to theirs.
  • If there were any pending service appointments, cancel them or inform Tesla about the change in ownership.

Title Transfer: Ensure you've transferred the vehicle's title to the new owner. The exact procedure might vary based on your jurisdiction.

Bill of Sale: Keep a copy of the bill of sale or any sales agreement as proof of the transaction.

Notify the DMV: Depending on your jurisdiction, you may need to inform the local Department of Motor Vehicles (or equivalent agency) of the sale. This action can release you from future liability related to the vehicle.

Taxes and Fees: Be aware of any potential taxes or fees associated with the sale, and make sure they are paid. This can include sales tax or transfer fees.

Warranties or Service Packages: If the car has transferable warranties or service packages, ensure these are transferred to the new owner.

Always consult local regulations and Tesla's official guidelines when selling your vehicle to ensure you've covered all responsibilities.

The Conclusion of it all

Selling your Tesla is more than a simple transaction; it's about ensuring that a piece of technological innovation finds a new home while maximizing its value. As the landscape of electric vehicles grows and evolves, understanding the nuances of the resale market becomes paramount. Whether you're trading in for a newer model, capitalizing on market demand, or shifting priorities, approaching the sale with preparation and knowledge ensures both the seller and buyer drive away satisfied. Remember, in the world of EVs, Tesla has carved a unique niche; making its resale not just a business move, but a continuation of a sustainable vision.


Does it make sense to sell a Tesla?

Under certain circumstances it can make sense to give your Tesla a new home. Whether driven by financial, environmental, technological, or personal reasons, it's essential to understand your motivations and act in alignment with your best interests.

How do I get the best deal for my used Tesla?

We at Cardino believe that the easiest way to get the best deal is out company – The numerous benefits include: User-friendly process, quick sale: can take as little as 5 days - usually takes 27 days to sell a car, 100% free: no fees for the seller, forever and an easy collection: car pickup is at the discretion of the seller, when and where it suits her

How can I prepare my car for the best re-sell value?

The price that you will get for your used Tesla is not only dependent on the market, but also on you. Therefore, we recommend to clean and detail interior and exterior, Schedule a mechanical inspection, check the battery, gather all documents, fix minor cosmetic issues and don’t forget to research your pricing.

Do I have responsibilities after I sold my Tesla?

Some responsibilities may remain, such as removing personal data, notifying your insurance, cancel any Automatic payments, transfer or return license plates, notify tesla, transfer the title and notify the DMV.

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